Learn Why Our TV Antennas Are So Special

Installation, Power Line & Lightning / Grounding Safety





  • Installation of this product near power lines is DANGEROUS & DEADLY!
  • For Lightning safety, the antenna and mast should be grounded according to NEC standards.
  • For your safety, read all the warnings in this manual prior to installation.
  • If English isn't your first language and/or need help reading this manual, please seek help for a translation into your native language.


  • ¡La installation de este producto cerca de líneas eléctricas es PELIGROSA y MORTALES!
  • Para la seguridad contra rayos, la antena y el mástil deben estar conectados a tierra de acuerdo con las normas NEC.
  • Para su seguridad, lea todas las advertencias en este manual antes de la instalación.
  • Si el inglés no es su primer idioma y / o necesita ayuda para leer este manual, busque la ayuda para una traducción a su idioma nativo.





Top Notch Antennas LLC dba Range Xperts is not liable for any product, property, bodily, personal harm, injury, or damages resulting from the installation (proper or improper) of this product or the continued use thereof. Nor is any coverage, protection, liability or insurance offered with the sale of our products.  Never install near power lines, it's deadly and you're putting your own life at risk.  Using ladders, climbing towers or onto roofs, slipping, falling, cuts or eye injury from antenna parts with sharp ends/corners/edges/burrs, lightning, and power lines are just some dangerous install risks & liabilities that are assumed entirely by the end user using and/or installing the product(s). When in doubt, hire a local professional to do this for you. 

We (Top Notch Antennas LLC dba Range Xperts) are also not liable for any product, property, bodily, or personal harm or damages at any time from either any natural or unnatural events, including weather, storms, lightning, fire, tornadoes, hurricanes, and/or disasters and offers no insurance for such events of any kind, however if a Range Xperts product itself is damaged and still under warranty, we may replace the Range Xperts products and/or their respective parts per the terms outlined in our Two Year Limited warranty policy. Note that our Two Year Limited Warranty only covers the replacement of Range Xperts antenna products and their respective parts only, no other coverage is granted, expressed or implied.

MAY NOT BE COMPLETE OR FULLY ACCURATE DISCLAIMER: Many common and important install safety guidelines and warnings are included in this manual, but may not cover every possible install variable or scenario.  If you're not comfortable doing it yourself, need help, or unsure on how to safely install your antenna, please consult a local professional to do this for you.

Some safety guidelines such as grounding, are only our interpretation of NEC (National Electric Codes) guidelines, however may not be accurate or up to date.  For example, local codes may differ or the NEC itself may edit, add to, re-word, make new suggestions, or otherwise update their guidelines periodically that may not be reflected on our website or product manuals.

WE ARE NOT ANTENNA INSTALLERS DISCLAIMER: –  We focus on the design of and selling antenna products only, but are not installers, as such we are not experts, gurus, nor are we certified or licensed in the installation of antennas.  Our knowledge may not be correct or accurate in the installation of antennas, therefore cannot give install advice.  This manual serves as a broad guide, subject to change and may not be complete or fully accurate, if unsure on installation procedures, safety, and/or grounding, we recommend asking a certified professional in your area for install guidance.






We ask to be safe and add extra precautions due to this highly contagious and dangerous virus. Coronavirus COVID-19 Coronavirus, as a national emergency pandemic at the moment.  It’s a highly infectious that is quickly becoming widespread. It has also been found to live on surfaces for up to 3 days.  Many may be infected without realizing it (such as your local UPS or US post office delivery driver or a warehouse packing worker for example.


Although the CDC states catching the virus from shipped products poses a low risk, we are still learning new things about the COVID-19 virus and new info is still evolving about it how highly infectious it is.  To be safe with your everyday shipments to your home, be diligent in preventing this disease by:


Steps You Can Take to Help Protect Yourself:

  • If possible leave your daily package(s) outside for a few extra days before bringing it inside (even if it took more than 3 days to get to your home, the person (such as your local UPS or USPS delivery driver) could be infected and not know it).
  • Just like when objects in public stores, you can play it safe by also avoiding the touching of your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands after touching/handling new packages, boxes, objects, and products shipped to you, (also follow this rule when touching objects at your local stores and in public places too).
  • Similarly as you would after touching objects / products at your local stores / public places, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after handling new packages and products shipped to you as well.  When soap and running water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand rub with over 60% alcohol.
  • People age 2 and older should wear masks in public settings and when around people who don’t live in their household.​
  • Masks offer some protection to you and are also meant to protect those around you, in case you are unknowingly infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • If you have gloves, use can them while opening outer and inner shipping boxes and packaging, and product, however be aware not to touch your face, eyes, mouth or nose with them, and still wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds after removing them (as your hands often become contaminated whilst removing your gloves).
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and running water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand rub with over 60% alcohol. 
  • On product and their associated packaging boxes, you may use alcohol wipes with over 70% (higher the better) alcohol content, (if not available, Lysol wipes are also believed to also kill the virus) to disinfect their surfaces, but also don’t forget to also wash your hands with soap and water afterwards for at least 20 seconds too after handling recently received boxes and products and remember not to touch your face mouth, nose, or eyes beforehand.
  • Carefully dispose of boxes and packaging in an outdoor trash container, (don't forget about not touching your face, eyes, mouth, or nose until your wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after handling new packages and products).
  • Rubbing alcohol and lysol and their wipes thereof should never be consumed, when purchasing food or ingested items, use something meant for those items / purpose.
  • If there was cross-contamination on another surface, also sanitize the surface the product(s), box, and/or packaging were resting on..
  • Note: personal daily items such as your cell phones, smartphones, sunglasses, you should actually be disinfecting already regularly because they're often in our hands and near our faces and mouth, as such pose higher contamination risk than shipped items, due to our frequent, personal contact with them.  Use their manufacturer recommendations on how to disinfect these items regularly.
  • Always wash hands that are visibly soiled.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from others (maintain social distancing) regardless if they appear sick or not, and avoid groups of people.
  • Handshaking, fist bumps, or shoulder bumps should be avoided entirely..
  • Don’t share personal items with others. This includes things like drinking glasses, utensils, toothbrushes, and lip balm.
  • Wipe down high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, keyboards, and stair rails in your home with household cleaners or a diluted bleach solution.
  • Wash your hands robustly for 20 seconds with soap and water or use a more than 60% alcohol hand sanitizer after also touching surfaces like elevator or ATM buttons, gas pump handles, and grocery carts.
  • Stay home and call your doctor if you start having respiratory issues and think your symptoms are consistent with those of COVID-19.



  • Select a safe site to install the antenna.
  • The distance between any power lines and the installation site should be at least two times the total height of the mast, tower, mount, plus the length of the antenna. Make the separation distance away from power lines even greater, if at all possible. Since all overhead power lines look somewhat alike, consider them all dangerous and stay well away from them.
  • If you have power lines in the area, call your local electric utility for assistance.
  • Never install during wet or icy conditions or surfaces (the risk of falling or getting hurt isn’t worth it).
  • Climbing on ladders, towers, roofs, etc can be risky and dangerous! Slipping, or falling can put your life at risk!  If unsure, please hire a professional to install you antenna for you!



      1. WARNING: Installing Near Power lines IS Deadly! A safe distance away from power lines should be at least double” the total height (including tower, mount, antenna, and mast height) plus double the length of the antenna!!
      2. Note: be careful assembling and installing, as this VHF Kit does have parts and tubing with sharp aluminum and metal parts, ends, edges, and corners, protect your eyes and hands by wearing gloves and protective eye gear.
      3. Perform as much antenna assembly on the ground as possible.
      4. NEVER work alone; with two people or more, assemble antenna on the ground and use help for the mounting of antenna, tower, and/or mast.
      5. Ensure power line warning sticker is installed on both sides of the antenna (if any are missing or need replaced, a spare has also been included in the box).
      6. Check weather conditions. Be sure that it hasn't rained recently and that the lawn is not wet or muddy. Make sure that rain or thunderstorms are not predicted for the day you decide to install the antenna.
      7. The wind can blow the antenna into a nearby power line. Don't install or remove antennas in moderate or heavy winds.
      8. If using a ladder, make sure it’s made of non-conductive (non-metallic) material!
      9. If possible, have someone present who has been trained in electric shock first aid.
      10. If you’re unable or uncertain on how to install and/or mount your TV antenna, always seek the help of a professional to do this for you.
      11. You can lose your life if this antenna or its mast, tower, or mounting solution comes in contact with or even near a power line!
      12. Watch out for power line (overhead and in all directions) If the antenna, guy wire, mast, tower, or other connecting equipment comes near a power line, it can kill!
      13. If using guy wires, estimate the length of each wire first and make sure none can come near any power lines during erection, installation, or falling.
      14. WARNING: Use extreme caution when installing the antenna. If the antenna or mast starts to fall, let it drop!  It could have contact with an overhead power line and both the mast and antenna are conductors of electricity and power line voltages and current are lethal!  Let antenna / mast fall and then call your local utility company to remove from power lines!
      15. If an accident or contact occurs call 911 immediately (or similar emergency line if in another country). Never touch a person that is in contact with a power line (you’ll also be electrocuted).
      16. If the person is free and away from the power lines and not responding, check for pulse and breathing. If not breathing, conduct CPR until medical help has arrived.
      17. If you’re not confident in safety, a safe installation, and/or the proximity of the power lines, contact a professional TV antenna installer to do the work for you!
      18. Install on a calm, no-windy day (wind can easily make things get out of hand and increases chance of touching or too close to power lines and loss of control of antenna, mast, and/or tower due to the wind forces applied on a large surface area.
      19. For lifting, erecting, climbing, and/or installing the antenna, look for all power lines to ensure they are a safe distance away. A safe distance away from power lines should be at least “double” the total height (ex: the combined mast, tower, mount height) plus double the length of the antenna!!
      20. Never use a metal ladder (these are highly conductive, and much more dangerous near power lines)!
      21. Even the slightest touch or even just the near proximity of antenna, mast, guy wire, or tower of a power line can kill! Never chance it!
      22. When on the roof, ladder, or tower, have a spotter on the ground, to help see things that you can’t.
      23. If you start to lose control of the antenna, mast, or other, let go and let it drop to the ground, to, as either power line contact or falling off a tall roof, ladder, or tower (even without power line contact) can all be lethal or result in a severe injury.
      24. If an accident or contact occurs call 911 immediately (or your country’s emergency line if in another country). Never touch a person that is in contact with a power line (you’ll also be electrocuted).
      25. Instruct and ensure everyone involved in the installation understands the safety and power line warnings.
      26. Never remove anything that has made contact with a power line, as it can be lethal or can cause electrocution during the removal process! Contact your local utility company’s emergency line for assistance!
      27. In addition to antenna, keep mast, tower, mount, and all guy wires (if applicable) well away from power lines, as all of these act as electrical conductors of electricity.
      28. The distance between any power lines and the installation site should be at least two times the total height of the mast, tower, and antenna assembly plus the length of the antenna. Make the separation distance away from power lines even greater if possible.
      29. Since all overhead power lines look somewhat alike, consider them all dangerous and stay well away from them!
      30. Add the antenna to the mast first, prior to mast erection. If using guy wires, estimate the length of each wire first and make sure none can come near any power lines during erection, installation, or falling.  Use the double rule, of all power lines should be at least double the mast height plus double the antenna length away.
      31. Install the guy ring on mast and connect guy wires with appropriate guying hardware and clamps.
      32. Note, the mast is highly unstable prior to finishing all guying; you must have someone also hold the mast upright while the guy wires are attached and tightened to stay anchors.
      33. "Tie off" the mast with dry, non-conductive ropes so you can control side sway and the direction of fall as you walk assembly up. If it does start to fall, let go of it and let it fall.
      34. Don't attempt to "walk up" a mast over 30 feet tall. Get a professional to do it for you.
      35. Once the antenna is up in full vertical position, securely fasten by using the instructions included with your chosen mount.
      36. Also add necessary lightning protection, by properly grounding your antenna and mast/tower (see grounding safety section for more about proper grounding methods).
      37. Never install while surfaces are wet, during storms/ rain, snow, or icing is present as roof, ladders, and related will be very slick and dangerous.




      • It is advisable to work with several other people when installing or removing an antenna. One person should stand aside to direct the effort and watch for signs of trouble. If someone does receive a shock, don't touch the victim while his body is still in contact with the electricity. Instead, pry or pull him away from the source of electricity with a length of dry wood, rope, a blanket, or another non-metallic object.
      • If breathing has stopped, use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until a doctor or ambulance arrives and relieves you. If the heart has stopped, closed-chest cardiac massage must be done simultaneously. The ambulance should be informed when called that an electric shock has occurred; it can bring proper equipment such as an intensive care or cardiac care mobile unit equipped with a heart defibrillator and carrying trained personnel.




        • Lightning can be destructive to your antenna, home, TV, and nearby / inline electronics.  To add some lightning protection a properly grounded system is necessary. 
        • Grounding the system is something you can probably do yourself, BUT IF YOU’RE NOT SURE, PLEASE HIRE A PROFESSIONAL TO DO THIS PROPERLY FOR YOU!
        • You can buy a grounding rod, 75 ohm lightning arrestors, clamps, wire, and related grounding accessories at most local hardware stores.
        1. Use a #10 copper or #8 aluminum grounding wire or larger, properly fastened via a proper grounding clamp to the bottom of the mast. Using stand-offs every 4 to 6 feet, run the wire down the building in as straight a line as possible.
        2. The NEC requires that the antenna mast and mount be grounded directly. No splices or connections are allowed in the ground wire between the mast and the ground rod.
        3. If the mast or mount is painted, rusted, or has a non-conductive coating, these should be scraped off to bare metal where the ground clamp connects to it, to ensure a low resistive path to ground.
        4. Also ground the coax lead in to the home by adding an antenna discharge unit, (also known as a lightning arrestor with ground block). The lightning arrestor model chosen should also have a direct ground connection as well, and install it outside, as close as possible before the cable enters the house.  
        5. Attach the grounding wire to the lead-in cable’s antenna discharge unit or lightning arrestor and without making sharp turns, run the ground wire to the central building ground, which is the home’s main ground rod, typically installed at the power meter and breaker box.  

        Alternative Grounding electrode methods must be acceptable NEC grounding methods such as:

        • Grounded interior metal cold water pipe within five feet of the point where it enters the building.
        • Grounded metallic service raceway.
        • Grounded electrical service equipment enclosure.
        • Eight-foot grounding rod driven into the ground (may be used only if bonded to the central building ground by #6 or heavier bonding wire). You can buy a grounding rod, grounding blocks, clamps, and wire at most local hardware stores.
        • Other acceptable grounding electrodes that comply with sections 250 and 810 of the National Electrical Code (NEC)



        • DO NOT assume that just because you're on a roof, you're isolated from ground. You may still be electrocuted or fall off the roof.
        • Also obey power line and grounding warnings in this manual.



        Use these same safety guidelines for the removal or your antenna (but in reverse order).